Depending on your woodworking needs, a router could be your biggest purchase. For hobbyist woodworkers, handheld routers usually work fine. But for woodworkers that need multiple copies of an intricate piece on short order, CNC routers are the option of choice. There are several differences between handheld routers and CNC models, with the most notable [...]
Industrial Woodworking Machinery Blog
Tips for Buying the Right CNC Router for Your Needs
by on 16. Dec, 2010 in Woodworking Machine Articles
Second Hand Woodworking Machinery: Is it an Option for your Business?
by on 16. Dec, 2010 in Woodworking Machine Articles
If you plan on starting a woodworking business, the price of woodworking machinery could be an obstacle to setting your business in motion. In some cases, woodworkers that plan on taking their business to the next level save for years in order to buy new machines or make financing them more feasible. But in others, [...]
Old Woodworking Machines: How Useful are they?
by on 16. Dec, 2010 in Woodworking Machine Articles
Whether you’re starting a new woodworking business or buying new machinery for an existing business, one of the biggest obstacles you’re likely to face is the cost of the machinery, especially if you need industrial machines. Unlike domestic grade and light commercial grade machinery, which are affordably priced and generally last for a few years, [...]
CNC Routers: How do they Differ from Handheld Routers?
by on 15. Dec, 2010 in Woodworking Machine Articles
If you plan on starting a woodworking business, one of your first purchases will be a router. Useful to woodworking projects large and small, simplistic and complex, routers are used to hollow out areas in pieces of wood, creating holes and indentations that range from utilitarian to decorative. But not all routers offer the same [...]

A Brief History of Commercial Woodworking Machinery
by on 15. Dec, 2010 in Woodworking Machine Articles
Like most modern machinery whose efficiency we take for granted, it wasn’t that long ago that commercial woodworking machinery didn’t offer the range of function and high output necessary to run a high production woodworking company. But yesterday’s woodworking machines weren’t exactly inefficient, either. In fact, at least three of them are still in use [...]