When deciding whether to buy something used, most of us are divided between the prospect of getting something that performs like new at a used price and the prospect of getting something that performs poorly, making even its discounted price a waste of money. In many cases, it’s difficult to predict exactly what a used product will give us in terms of reliability. But in the case of quality woodworking machinery, there are determinations that can tell you whether used woodworking equipment is worth your investment, beginning with determining which grade of equipment is best to purchase used.
Used Woodworking Equipment: Which Equipment is Best to Purchase Used?
Determining which grade of used equipment is the best investment begins with examining the three grades of woodworking machinery and how they stand up to ongoing use: domestic grade, light commercial grade, and industrial grade.
Domestic Grade
Domestic grade machinery is commonly found at department stores and some construction supply stores. Meant for use by non-experts that don’t have special training in a machine’s area of application, domestic grade machines are designed for infrequent use or light frequent use, and have a lifespan of a few years when properly cared for. Because domestic grade machines have little to no resale value, most people keep them until their lifespan expires. Due to their non-rigid construction and low capacity design, domestic woodworking machines are practically worthless to purchase used.
Light Commercial Grade
Light commercial grade machinery is more rigidly designed than domestic machinery and less rigidly designed than industrial machines, making it sensible to purchase used, but only in the right situations. Commercial grade machinery is often used where woodwork isn’t the primary focus (e.g. carpentry), or in woodshops whose production rate is moderate to low. If you need woodworking equipment to support a trade that features woodwork, or you run a small woodshop, investing in used light commercial models could be a good move. But if your production rate demands industrial equipment, don’t make the mistake of buying a light commercial grade machine to save money.
Industrial Grade
An Industrial grade machine lasts for decades when properly serviced, making it the best investment among used machines. Despite its used status, an industrial machine may still require a significant investment, but the discount could easily equal out to five or six figures. Before you buy an industrial woodwork machine used, be sure to investigate a sellers’ reputation at the better Business Bureau (BBB) and request a copy of a machine’s official maintenance record. Taking these measures, along with buying from a professional seller of used machinery and inspecting a machine firsthand before buying it, should lead you to a machine that performs like new for years to come.