Ultimizers Model Duo Drive, Left Hand Optimizing Cut Off Saw
Machine Available
Stock #8068
Used- Ultimizers Model Duo Drive, Left Hand Optimizing Cut Off Saw
- Top And Bottom Belt Drive System To Grip Material And Resist Slippage
- Crayon Mark Reader with "Smart-Belt" 19' Long X 8" Wide
- The Smart Belt Infeed System Works In Conjunction With The Computer Controller To Provide Consistent And Controlled Infeed To The Saw For Maximum Production
- Duo-Drive Saw Can Support Feed Rates Up To 1200 FPM In Between Cuts On Longer Parts
- Arbor Motor 10HP
- Feed Belts And Arbor Crank Actuation are Servo Motor Controlled
- Provided with Sort Belt Approximately 57' Long X 8" Wide (THIS CAN BE MADE SHORTER TO SUIT USERS NEEDS)
- Six (6) Pneumatic Punch-Offs To Kick Material Off Sort Belt
- Pass line Height 48"
- Serial #: DD-328
- Current Voltage: 480v