Mereen-Johnson Model 1105-H CNC Dovetailer
Machine Available
Stock #21200N
New- Mereen-Johnson Model 1105-H CNC Dovetailer
- Machines Finger-Type English Dovetails on Draw Sides, Fronts, and Backs
- Dovetails are Spaced on 1" Centers
- Dovetails Are Machines Via Five Counter-Rotating Spindles
- Spindle Speeds: 20,000 RPM
- Spindle Motor: 5 HP TEFC Motor, 3ph
- Cartridge Type Spindles
- Maximum Cutting Speed: 2.1 Inches Per Second
- Production Rate: Up to 80 Boxes Per Hour
- Material Thickness Capacity: 7/16" - 5/8" (Up to 3/4" with Optional Guide)
- Drawer Height: 1-3/4" - 15"
- Drawer Width: 5" - 48"
- Drawer Depth: 7" - 28"
- X & Y Axes Powered by Brushless Servo Motors Coupled with Ball-Screws
- Carriages are Mounted on THK Linear Guides
- Three-Second Changeover Time from Sides to Fronts/Backs
- Thickness Adjustment is Integrated into CNC Programming for Both Clamping Stations
- One Set of Carbide Tooling is Included in Sale Price